Monday, November 06, 2006

Jolly Holiday for Dog

Hurray! I am going to spend a whole week at home sleeping in my own bed. The last three weeks has seen me away for at least one night out of seven, last week it was two. I sure am making up for lost time in the career stakes. Not that I regret for one minute the time I spent looking after my family it was time very worthwhile. Anyway I still managed to run a franchise business not once but twice during this time so I was not a total failure in the career stakes.

Funny moment at Nursery spot!

At the end of my session the children get a little sticker relevant to one of the activities done, this week it was 'I Can Balance', I always talk about what we have done and ask the children to tell me 'what can you do' they then say what the sticker says to get the much coveted item. Abbie has recently joined my 2-3 year old class, she is very much the baby of the class with limited vocabulary but plenty of spark. She listened very carefully to the other children getting their stickers, I left her to last so she could watch and get the ghist of what was happening. I came to her and asked "and what can you do Abbie?" she looked at me and said "On the bus"! Soooo... she got the sticker of course! She knew something had to be said, there were the correct number of syllables and one word began with 'B' so no problem!

Day at the Seaside for Dogger

As I had a two day trip down south visiting a Franchise in Bexley one day and Broadstairs the next, I saved the company money by staying two nights with my Sis in Herne Bay. I decided to take the Dogger with me! He managed to throw up twice in the back of my car (carseat covers are now on my christmas list)I managed to shut him in a small box accidently, thank God the RSPCA did not see, and he encountered water that chased him, much to his amusement, on the beach.

The box incident happened as I was coming back to Herne Bay from Broadstairs, I stopped at Argos to buy my Mother a new shopping trolley. She no longer can manage her pull along one (so she say's) and thought she would like one of those big square push along ones. I think myself it is the latest 'must have' among the cronies in her retirement flats, but hey! she has a birthday coming up so the item was duly purchased. The said shopping trolley came in an incredibly long flat pack that I pushed and shoved into the back of the car. I then rushed into the next door store, a sports shop to look at trainers, luckily I was not more than ten minutes. I got back to the car and could not see the dog ANYWHERE! Oh my God he's been stolen, was my first reaction. I excercised calm panic for a moment until I noticed a little black nose poking up out of a small box of retuned Items from a Franchisee, he had obviously jumped into it for a nap and I had then covered it with the long flat pack from Argos. He was very laid back and just gave me a disparaging look as if to say'why did you DO that?'

I felt I owed dogger an apology so I stopped off at an area of beach that dogs are allowed so we could have some quality time together! He was very startled at first to see water coming after him and spent a few minutes trotting down to the water line to sniff the strange smelling fluid, he then had to trot backwards at an alarming speed when the strange water chased him back. He was very funny, he soon decided it was a game the water was playing and decided to join in with gusto, first chasing the receding water then running away when it turned and chased him back! We then had a great game of stone thowing and chasing into the waves. He then discovered seaweed! and decided it was the most delicious item ever discovered by dogkind and I had a little battle of wills to get the smelly stuff away from him. I reasoned that I had quite enough of dog vomit for one trip thank you!
All in all we both had a great trip, I managed to combine business and pleasure. I earned brownie points with Mum as I cleared out an incredibly crammed cupboard for her AND bought her the much coveted latest modelall singing and dancing shopping trolley. I saw Sarah (my neice) and spent a lovely time with my Sister laughing, chatting,reminiscing and probably drinking a little more wine than was sensible.

Dog had a great trip despite the box incident, he was made up because he has to sleep in my room with me at Annie's house and despite having a blanket on the floor always hopped up onto the bed once he thought I was asleep!

1 comment:

Devon said...

Hi! I'm so glad you have been able to sleep in your own bed for a whole week! I like being home at night and always miss it if I've been gone a lot.

Pet vomit in a car is really gross, it is the smell that is so nasty. I'm sure your puppy was glad to be with you despite it all.

It has been a really busy week here, so little computer time! Tom and I celebrated our 20th anniversary on Wednesday! Very nice!
Have a great weekend!