Monday, November 20, 2006

A criminal at large! But she is only two..

Picture the scene... An activity class for children age walking up to two years old where they are encouraged to climb safely, balance and generally be physical little beings. Two little girls decide they want to climb up a trestle to the slide at precisely the same time, one lashes out at the other as only a frustrated 18 month child can do. The other child gets a little scratch on her face, the sratchers Mum immediatly apologizes and remonstrates with her little one. The other Mother spurns the apology and rushes out of the room. The class tutor tries to cool the situation but the Mum has left the building leaving the childs shoes and coat behind. An hour later the Father arrives to collect the left belongings and accuses the other child of abuse and informs the Mother he is on the way to report the incident to the Police! I would of loved to have been a fly on the wall at the police station as he tried to get a toddler arrested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the desk officer at the Police Station even now pretending to take details on his pad whilst writing something else (perhaps comments about the father.)

it would never happen like that of course. The Police are very professional and take all complaints seriously!

Does the pratt of a father not realise that the age of criminal liability is 10 and it would become a social services matter - and one that with his colourful language could come off worse for him.

Send him my way Aunty - I'll sort him
