Thursday, December 08, 2005

It was 25 years ago today!

Well the song almost starts like that! I am talking Sgt. Pepper of course and the song really starts 'it was 20 years ago today.'

Today is the 25th anniversary of the murder of John Lennon one of the icon's of the last century. I grew up with Beatle mania, lived it, sang it, dreamed about them, cried tears of grief when I thought Paul was going to marry Jane Asher (well I was only about 12).
Pocket money was hoarded to save seven shillings and sixpence to buy a record, as they were called in those distant days. As I only got half a crown (two shillings and sixpence) a week pocket money this was no mean feat. (Thank goodness for Granddads)

The year Tracey was born we were staying in my grandparents flat for Christmas and I had a portable record player for Christmas. Well... I was made up, it was wonderful I also had the single 'She loves you' and I must of played it so many times I am sure I drove every-one completely mad with it. In later years Barry was to mend this treasured item many times for me, I even bought it to our first married home.

I tried to get Mum and Dad to name the new baby, Michelle like in the song, they almost did as Michelle was quite an unusual and exotic mane in those days. Tracey must be glad that she was not a 'shell' !

One of the first records I bought for myself was the EP 'Twist and shout' which also had 'A taste of Honey and 'There's a place' and 'Listen, do you want to know a secret'. I loved them all, and can still sing them all virtually word perfect, but probably not in tune :-) but my parents and Nana, who often stayed with us used to complain like mad about Twist and Shout as rock and roll was considered 'devil' music.

I was completely besotted with Paul as most girls were, those big brown puppy eyes and the gorgeous hair that he would shake maniacally during a song. As for the way he screamed and did those kind of 'woo's' with John during chorus' would drive us into a frenzy.

I was watching the Royal Variety when John told the Audience 'Ok those in the cheap seats clap your hands and those in the front rattle your jewelry'

I remember being uncomfortable when he announced The Beatles 'were bigger than Jesus'. But hey, that was John.

John Lennon was of course a total genius, a visionary, eloquent a man of deep contrasts, peace loving, yet sometimes aggressive. Kind but often very cruel, Thoughtful, but outspoken In fact a very human man with all the foilbles of most of us.

He had a very sad childhood really, bought up by his beloved auntie Mimi who led him to believe his Mother lived hundreds of miles away when really she lived close by. He found her again when he was twelve and it was she who taught him to play the guitar. Sadly by the time he was sixteen she was killed in a traffic accident. How tragic for him.

John lived life through his songs particularly in the later years. 'Watching the wheels go round' written while he was a bored house husband and had not written anything for about five years.

'How do you Sleep at Night' was a very vitriolic dig at Paul after the split. It must of been very hurtful for Paul. It is also claimed it is about his withdrawal from drugs at the time as well.

'Mind games' written during his short separation from Yoko, and so it goes on.
He had a comment for every world event in a song. Mind you we all hated Yoko Ono, we were convinced she split the Beatles. I think now it was Johns complete obsession with Yoko that split the Beatles! It was time, they all had to move on and grow, no boy band sticks together for many years. They certainly brought a bit of magic into our lives at the time.

favorite Beatle or Lennon tracks for me:

In My life.
This Boy.
Twist and shout
She's leaving home
Lady Maddonna
The Long and Winding Road
The whole of Lennons 'Imagine' album. Particularly the title track and 'Woman.'
'WhenI'mSixty Four', because we would play it on the way home on long car journeys and Barry the boys and me would sing to it at the top of our voices, being Sixty four seemed a life time away back then, its slowly edging nearer now. I desperately want a couple of grandchildren on my knee in a rented house on the Isle of Wight, by then!
Oh, probably most of Sgt pepper.
'Maxwell's Hammer, because it has such a catchy cheerful tune, but the words are gruesome!

A new generation are learning to love Lennons music all over again, so really he lives on in his music and words.
As the song again almost say's "It was wonderful to have been there, It certainly was a thrill"

1 comment:

iamahatter9 said...

Agre with most of your Lennon Songs Just thought I'd add:

Instant Karma
Cold Turkey
Gimmee some Truth
Beautiful Boy
Grow Old with Me
A Day in the Life
Real Love
Woman is the Nigger of the World
I don't wanna be a soldier

What a legend.

Your Son