Friday, December 02, 2005

An Ali G moment

Well... I had this mad idea that I would like a MP3 from Santa (Or at least BJ), this is a daring move from me as I am completely techno phobic but anyway my dear Husband decided to indulge my whim and we went looking.

Now, I wonder do electrical salesman go to special 'nerd' schools or was I just unlucky. By the way have any of you girls tried to actually buy something from one of the big electrical stores such as the one who's name sounds like an Indian dinner. You amazingly become totally invisible! Any way I digress.

We went into the first shop and a friendly young guy asked my Husband if he could help, we explained our needs and that was that, he went of like rocket into his sales speil. He was not letting us of that shop without having sold us the top of the range all singing (well I suppose that's what they are supposed to do) all dancing MP3 player with all sorts of unasked for appliances to go with it, and did his best to sell an ipod instead. When he realised I had glazed over and began sucking in my cheeks in despair at his tactics he decided I needed time to think about it. He then decided we could not leave the shop without a catalogue to browse through at our leisure at the marvellous price of £3.99. We declined but he followed us to the door still trying to get a sale. Nothing turns me off more than the hard sell!

We then decided to have a go at another household name electrical store! We were onto a winner here with a very knowledgeable man who went through all the options on the various models and explained the technology in laymans terms for me. We had more ar less decided between two and asked if he could get them out of the cabinet for us. He went of to get the key and returned with a young Indian guy who unlocked the case for us. At this point the other guy was called away but he said he was leaving us in the capable hands of Sandeep. Oh yeah!

Sandeep was unable to speak in more than monosyllabless and grunts and for a young man new very little about the product he was trying to sell. BJ asked a relevant question about the USB port and he was clueless. Not only that he would make no eye contact with us and obviously wanted to be anywhere but in our company.

Oh,how I nearly said 'Ees eet cos I's white'

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