Friday, December 30, 2005

Christmas Madness and Mayhem

Well, that's another Christmas done and dusted! One to go down in the good memory file to be sure.
We had an extra two guests this year in the shape of Grace, Simons friend who originates from Hong Kong and her little dog Tsi Tsi ( have not a clue if that's the right spelling!) who is a little Shih Tzu a similar breed to Ta-shi. I had been warned to expect a really bad, naughty little dog that would most likely wreak havoc and mayhem! What we got was a delightful and sweet little creature who is a little confused as to who is in charge in his life. Ta-shi decided to be boss dog for the time Tsi tsi was with us and steadfastly refused to share any toys and any cuddles if he could get away with it. He occasionally dropped his guard and had a good old romp with his new friend. If and when Grace decides to return to Hong Kong I think Tsi Tsi will find a home with us!

Grace was an absolute diamond of a girl, what IS my son doing letting a girl like that slip through his fingers, but I could really see that there probably was not a spark of romance between them and they really are just good friends but what a waste! They kinda look right together and Grace sure has the measure of Simon and gently teases him at times.
We had a few hilarious moments at times with her accent as typically she cannot pronounce the letters R or L as apparently they do not figure in the Chinese alphabet.
She asked us 'where Ta-shi Sweep' I said 'In the Kitchen'
She replied 'No, when he sweep'
'Well all night and sometimes in the day'
She getting a little excited now made a scissor movement with her fingers 'When he have snip snip'
It was a bit like 'give us a clue' Grace has a marvelous sense of humour so none of our misunderstandings mattered a jot. At one time she was looking at Barry and suddenly loudly proclaimed 'Aw Bawee I love your ears' Bawee looked a little surprised to say the least and clasped the said lugs, 'They are vewy long ears, vewy lucky, mean long life in China'.
So there you have it you guys whose ears appear to grow bigger with age, they are vewy lucky!

I had some marvelous gifts, I am getting to grips with technology with my MP3 player, what a nifty bit of kit. It was marvelous to see Barry's face when he opened my gift to him, a flight in a airforce jet simulator in which he has to bomb targets on the ground. Sorry folks I know it is a little 'rough boy' stuff but he has always wanted to fly in a fast jet and this was the nearest I could get. To say he was thrilled was an understatement!

We all had a marvelous game of cranium on Christmas day (Thanks Rach and Dan for introducing us to this) It was as usual absolutely hilarious! I avoided all humming activities though. I was nearly murdered by my own Husband as he tried to mime 'Buffy the vampire slayer' even though I had not volunteered to be the Vampire but I suppose it would of been quite rude to slay our guest Grace, who indeed thought we had all gone quite, quite mad as they don't seem to play games in Hong Kong.

After Christmas Barry and I headed of for two days away ay Alvaston Hall Hotel where we could relax, dance and eat yet more food. We were entertained on the last evening by The American Four Tops who where just fabulous, and they thought our dancing the 'Twist' was quite spectacular and they gave us a cheer! Both Barry and I can twist down to the floor and back up again, although on the last down twist Barry nearly did not make it back up a gain! My legs the next morning told a different story though!

All that remains to be said is thanks boys for such a lovely Christmas and gifts they were all great! And of course Happy New Year to you all, and happy birthday to me!


iamahatter9 said...

Happy Birthday and Happy New Year.

rach said...

Happy Christmas, Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!!

Sounds like you had lots of fun.

Our friends invented a few new games at New Year, all involving that sombrero and how many times you could dip your chips before it closed again. Very funny! Thanks :o)