Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Brush with Narnia.

I had a fairly eventful end to my week of Friday. I was supposed to be running a course for just a few people on how to run a Gymbob class. No problem!

First one of the delegates was due to arrive at Birmingham airport at 8.30am and I was to pick her up as I pass by that way on my way to work. I get a call at 8 O'clock to say she is still waiting for her flight to be called in Edinburgh, delayed due to a real pea soup of a fog in Birmingham. I hung around for a bit until I got the call to say she would not be coming. OK no problem head to work. I use a laptop and projector to deliver my course and on arriving at work found I had neither. So a little thought and a fair bit of photo copying I delivered my course very successfully without the aid of modern technology. It was great fun, as I just sat down with the 3 remaining delegates and chatted very informally with them and got all the relevant points over really well (I think).

My poor boss was supposed to be heading out to our Company owned franchise later in the day to help out with a couple of classes that they were short staffed in. She was unfortunately laid very low with a very nasty bug. So I had to finish the course as quickly as I could and hot foot it over to Warwick to assist with 24 very lively 5 to 7 year olds. Well.... What fun, they were great fun and I had a very rewarding couple of hours with them.
The equipment theme was 'Winter' and I had opted to man the 'agility' station. I mesmerised them with a theme of Narnia and got them clambering over snowy mountains in search of Aslan, sliding over an ice bridge and into white witch mountain to rescue the treasure which was a key to slide down the shute and escape the mountain (it was a beanbag in reality.) Well, they loved it and really got into the story. One little boy said he could not get out of Aslans den as the lion was biting his feet, little Rachel who has been reading the book told him not to be silly as Aslan was a 'good Lion' who would not do anything as bad as eating your feet. She also decided to be called 'Lucy' and I had to call the two boys in my group Peter and Edmund!
Actually I am not sure who had most fun me or the kids!

I was pretty tired after tackling Narnia but had to dash home to greet guests for dinner. Dan, Rach and Simon headed our way to indulge in a little Curry therapy, it was a great evening. I love to have people to cook for, my wish is to have a really nice dining room in the near future. I have decided our new house must have three bedrooms, a garage, a dining room and a ballroom!

Rach is Ta-shi's new best friend! She and he spent ages playing together. Rach obviously has the same 'animal magnetism' that Simon and I have :-) . Ta-shi thought Rach had stayed overnight and first thing in the morning rushed upstairs to search the rooms for her.

BJ was home for the weekend which was just great! I really miss him during the week. No cuddles when I get home and no three kisses before he goes out in the morning (it has to be three) . My Mother seems to think that we are sure to argue when BJ comes home as that's what she and dad did when he worked away from home. Sorry Mum! We do many things but arguing is not one of them. Close the doors turn the phones off and shut the curtains maybe but no arguing! Not bad for a pair of oldies, after all these years we are still quite silly over each other. Even if he can be a grumpy old git at times!

I seem to be on the wind down now at work towards Christmas, I am finishing work this Friday and even that day is going to be a fun day. I am going to the Nursery School that I deliver 'Leaps and Bounds' to help with their Christmas production. Its going to be organized chaos I am sure as even the little 2-3 year olds are taking part. I can't wait it's going to be the hilight of my week I am sure. What a lucky girl I am to have such a wonderful job. It's hopefully going to get better next year although the downside will be not so much contact with the children as I will be much more involved with the business side of things.

Well I must go and have a chat with Bj we always phone each other at ten pm to have a little chat and say goodnight.

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