Monday, November 07, 2005

Oh Lonesome Me!

Well, two out of the three most loved people in my life are out of the Country just now, was it something I said?

Eldest Son out on a business trip to Hong Kong and China sourcing very special 'made in China' goods for the Company he works for. I am sure he will do a sterling job of bringing back for the consumers some wonderful stuff, like umbrella's for dogs, and plastic dolphin toilet seats, and containers to put stuff in your fridge for a few day's before you throw it away!

Husband is also on business (he tells me ) in Sweden!

At Birmingham airport where he flew from we had a slight altercation's with the check in desk. BJ was changing flight at Amsterdam and needed to be checked in for both flights as he only had 40 minutes to get from one plane to the next. He was told that could not be done as the flight to Gothenburg had been oversold by 11 seats so BJ had to be on stand by for the flight. How ridiculous is that! I told the check in guy that if I bought theatre tickets I would not expect to get there and be told my seats had been sold to 10 other people and I could only have the seat if they did not turn up! It however did not impress him at all! Madness!

In the end BJ got chatting to the guy in the next seat who flies the route regularly and told him the secret is to race as fast as you can to get to departures before the other 11 people and you might get lucky, he told BJ to follow him as he knew the quickest route through the terminal.
It worked and BJ not only got the flight but was upgraded to business class as well, but fancy having to do that just to get the seat you have booked and paid for. Guys, don't fly KLM.

We had a wonderful evening on Saturday with my lovely niece and her husband and all BJ's other family members to celebrate Rach's Birthday. We had a truly delicious Mexican meal some great conversation including how to get rid of bathroom smells! The tips could of been very useful after a Mexican meal. The strike a match idea seemed to come up trumps (sorry could not resist the pun)

We then played Cranium with hilarious results. You have to bear in mind Bj's family are quite an intellectual bunch, very arty and even more musical, the group included three teachers and a rookie policeman, so you see my dilemma. I do not have one musical bone in my body and my attempts at art are much in line with what a chimpanzee could manage!

Dan's miming of free range eggs was one of those things I will remember for ever! It was so funny, but we got it, so it must of been good. I managed to side step the musical rounds quite neatly until I could no longer avoid it. I had to either hum or whistle 'Don't Cry for me Argentina'. Now my boys will happily tell you how funny my attempts of being musical are and this was no exception.

I first could not even get a sound out because I was laughing so much, I then could not get a sound out because every one else was laughing at my laughing. I finally managed to hum with an awful lot of hand and body gestures to try and get over the song to my team as I was sure I was so out of tune I expected the 'music police' would storm the house at any minute!
Finally some-one got it, and BJ admitted he had sussed it ages ago but I was fun to watch, rotten iggy piggy! At least it was voted as the most animated humming of the evening! Now Helen can hum like an Angel and every-one can guess her tunes immediately. I will have to put in some 'humming' practise before next time.

Well best go cook my dinner for one!


rach said...

Thanks for coming... and humming (in the "cranium" sense, not the "strike a match in the bathroom" sense!)

Don't get too lonely with most of your boys away (and the other one tied up with Minnie Mouse on ice) Dan's away lots this month too so if you need someone to watch Eastenders with...

iamahatter9 said...

Over booking what a pain, however theaters and hotels do exactly the same thing to garuntee maximum occupation. Sometimes it backfires.

Sounds good fun that cranium business. I can see an addition to the xmas games.

Speaking of bathroom smells, I just got in from work to find the cat had done his business in the bath and the failsafe match trick is not strong enough.