Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Dog has a new bed.

Well, today this is the only way I can communicate as I have acute viral laryngytis. It is not in the least bit funny as try, as I am told I must not by the Doctor I can hardly utter a sound.
The funny thing is people I have had to try and 'talk' to end up whispering back to me, including my boss when I had to try and explain why I needed a few days off when I phoned in sick. I did not need to say many words as it was pretty obvious what was the matter with me, once she had differentiated me from a dirty old man making a nuisance call. I can do a realistic Phil and Grant impression if nothing else.

Before all this came on I had a little shopping trip and decided to treat Ta-shi to a new bed. Nothing really wrong with the old one, a hard plastic affair with a nice furry blanket in it. It was inherited from his predecessor Molly, another Lhaso Apso of note but more noble and Lady like than the mad boy Ta-shi. However it was a little dog eared and scruffy!

I came in the house carrying the new upmarket smart new bed calling Ta-shi to come and see his new present. I teased him a bit and played with him asking him to sit in it and generally made a big fuss of him and the new bed. It is soft and furry made from 'TeddyBear' material, this is what caused the confusion!

Ta-shi (pronounced Tar Shee and meaning lucky or good fortune in Tibetan) thought it was a new throw toy an enormous Frisbee I think. He duly dragged it into the lounge and dropped it at my feet ready for me to throw for him to fetch. What a spoil sport he thought I was when I put it back and got his Teddy to throw for him. Oh no, he went right back and fetched the bed out again. This went on for a bit until I decided to ignore him and the bed so he lost interest, until later!

I collected Barry from the airport and Ta-shi having not seen his beloved play mate for a week immediately dragged his new 'toy' out for Barry to throw!

He now has realized it is his new bed and absolutely adores it, he even snuggles into it during the day when normally he has a blanket on a chair in the lounge. The cats who were welcome to have a snooze in the old bed are not allowed any where near it and if he thinks they are getting a bit close to it he will sit in it and guard it with a little low grumble to warn them off.

Well best go and rehearse for my duet with Rod Stuart!

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