Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hit The Ground Running......

Phew! What a week, I seem to have been working silly hours and silly days the last week or so. In ten days I had to go to London Four times. Two technical visits, a workshop to help host and then man a stand at the Mother and Baby show in Olympia! The last one was a real nightmare as it was a very long day, under hot studio type lights that gave me a mega migraine and I had to be sweet smiling nice for about fourteen hours Grrrr....!

On the way home I stopped at the most awful mototway service station in the western hemisphere to get refreshment and some guy tried to start up a conversation with me as I was still in corporate gear. I had no polite conversation left and wanted to tell him go take a hike, of course I did not! But hells bells he followed me to a table and sat at the next one and tried to carry on the chat!!!

The next day myself and several colleagues drove up to Manchester for a Road Show, it is real good fun but I was so tired and headachey that I did not enjoy it at all. They are all keen on alcoholic refreshment which is fine by me, but I don't care to drink much myself. They all get a bit silly and I feel like the odd one out. The worst thing was it was me with the headache (still) in the morning.

Migraine is the curse of my life! Thankfully not so often now as I get older, but it rears its very ugly and painful head at the most in-opportune times. Triggers include alcohol, chocolate, cheese, wine and over tiredness, oh and bright lights!
I must be the only one who can't look at the M&S advert for the chocolate puddings with the squidgy centres, it makes me feel physically sick at the sight of them, Migraine on a plate yuk!

I have had one or two funny experiences as well this week. I was shopping yesterday at Tesco's and looking at the bathroom cleaner 'cif' formerly known as 'jif' (why DID they change it) . I could not remember if I preferred the stuff in the yellow bottle or the white bottle. I know I thought I'll have a sniff. I carefully lifted the lid and put it up to my nose and ever so gently squeezed the bottle to lift the aroma.
I ended up with a large amount of bathroom cleaner up my nose and running down my chin! I tried to conceal my predicament by rubbing my hand over my face, have you ever tried cif as an exfoliant? Not good. I rummaged for a tissue, why can you never find one when you want one, and other times they are overflowing your bag and dripping out of sleeves and pockets. I ended up getting a pack of the shelf and opening it before getting to checkout. I had not reckoned on a do it yourself facial while shopping!

Today we popped down to the allotment for an 'hour' to put the beds to bed for the winter. I needed to plant a row of raspberry canes, I prepared the area and lined them up the regulation foot apart and set about planting. Half way through BJ came up and announced that my row was as straight as a donkeys hind leg and I was to pull 'em up and start again and he would put down some string to assist me.
Well, I tried to tell him it probably would not help but hey, let the guy try!
So... String line layed I started again, it started well but by the time I was half way along I was all over the show again, Bj just fell about laughing but as I told him he is an engineer which is a precise art, I train kids and dogs which is anything but.
The raspberries are very happy in their wibbly wobbly row, I lovingly top dressed them with some gorgeous rich manure and I even had a chat with them!! Barry said 'pardon' as he thought I was talking to him, when I said I was talking to the raspberries he truly thought I had lost it. Or trained at the 'Prince Charles school for mad gardeners'

Well raspberries happily esconsed in their new home we went shopping in Coventry, I parked the car in the usual multi story next to a very steamed up car! Well! I became shocked of Coventry! A couple where doing what does not come naturally at 2pm in the afternoon in broad daylight in a public car park especially when that couple were both MEN! I am quite happy to live and let live but this was totally out of order in such a public place. Guys, go rent a room next time!!


rach said...

He he he he!!

I love reading your blog - it makes me laugh out loud almost every time!! Thanks! :o)

young at heart said...

Thanks rach!