Monday, November 21, 2005

It's been a funny week!

Hurray! I can speak again, still a bit gravelly like some-one who smoked 40 cigs a day (I have never smoked one) Think Mariella Fostrup, no I think that's probably wishful thinking.

My Mum who is a great believer in the power of prayer said one for my voice, I let her believe it worked but I think the large doses of steroids did it. But then again..... Who knows!

I took Ta-shi for his 3 monthly haircut on Friday only to discover that Jo who runs the groomers out at Nuneaton had suffered a car accident on the way to work and was in hospital, get well soon Jo, hope all is well. Ta-shi was a little confused to walk into the pet shop and then straight out without his usual wash and trim and then a good old game of chase and flirt with Jo's cheeky little girl Apso.

On the way to the above Pet shop I passed a newly opened Fitness centre and Gym called 'Better Bodies' So what! I hear you shout, It directly overlooked the local Crematorium! Some-one was definitely having a laugh.

Now, Rob blog is always talking about music so I am going to have a little say on the subject.
We watched Music Hall of fame the other evening and Barry and I got into a long discussion about Dylan who was an icon of Barry's youth perhaps a little more than mine. I like a lot of his stuff now more than did then, probably because I am older and appreciate the poetry in the lyrics more. I felt that I enjoyed his songs more when they were sang by other artists, however I have now changed my mind. I heard several of his numbers covered by different singers on the show and some done by the man himself. I now see the difference! Sung by other artists they are just nice songs with pretty words, sung by Dylan the true meaning of the lyrics totally blow you away. As a kid I loved 'Blowing in the Wind' it truly meant something to me when I was painfully becoming aware of the way's of the cruel world. It is ageless and the lyrics hold true today. So I am a Dylan Convert!

As a footnote to that BJ and I were having a conversation as to what we would of like to have been called other than our own names, Bj said he would liked to have been called Dylan! Can't imagine what he would of looked like, surely he would of had to have had more hair!!!
I fancied Charlotte or Francesca, but I would have to be more Glam and ladylike.

Talking Glam, I have just returned from the hairdressers after being talked into a hair colour experience by my stylist! Its rather startling and a little bit scary, not sure if I should go out without a hat. Think tortoiseshell cat, crossed with a Tiger! I have bits of gold and bits of very bright red through it. I had asked for it to be warmed up a bit I know, but I look like a firework now! Good job BJ is away for a fortnight he would fall about laughing I think. I have to go scare the good people of Inverness on Wednesday, well, at least if they are short of a beacon I am their woman!


iamahatter9 said...

Obviously I'm too young too know Dylan in his prime but I agree he has it all lyrically and he means every word. Beautiful love songs like I'll be your baby tonight, political songs like Blowin' in the wind and gritty rock n roll like subterranean homesick blues. The guy belongs in the hall of fame he near on deserves to own the Rock n Roll hall of fame.

rach said...

The hair sounds fab!! Must come and see it. 9th works for us - how's that for you?

I don't think I've ever sat and properly listened to Bob Dylan. Might have to change that....

rach said...

What's happened to Rob's blog?

iamahatter9 said...

You can get to me by clicking on the iamahatter9 thingy above.