Monday, November 28, 2005

Hair Raising!

My hair obviously had an effect on airport security at Inverness airport. Security would not let me out of Scotland until every little thing of mine had been thoroughly searched. Do I look like a danger to aircraft and humanity? Maybe don't answer that one. They were happy enough to let me into their extremely cold, snowy County, but like all good guard dogs were not going to let me out without a fight!

We were already concerned that the weather was going to delay or cancel the flight as it was extreme weather in the highlands, I had to go and buy an extra warm woolly while up their as my silly Sassenach items of pretty rather than practical jumpers just could not cope with -2 degrees plus wind chill. As for the snow it hardly stopped for 24 hours.

Any way back to airport security. I put my hand bag through the X-ray machine and walked under the metal detector, no problems I thought! Until the security man invited me to come to the end of the desk where he would like to search my bag. I was a little embarrassed and wondered what on earth he thought I had in it. He opened my medication (strong migraine pills) and asked what they were. Obviously he thought I was carrying drugs! I explained what they were for and he seemed happy. He then wanted me to demonstrate that my mobile was indeed exatly that. Then he found my keys! Here we had a problem, I carry on my key ring a locking device for Tumble Tots climbing trestles and it happens to be rather pointy.
what's this Madam?'
'its a key for a climbing trestle' I replied
'I don't think you can take it on the aircraft, I will have to take advice from my superior'
'well I flew up here with it in my bag' I reasoned 'You can't really take a key away from me surely' But of course I knew he could!
Anyway his superior looked me up and down and decided that I did not really pose a danger with my keys and let me keep it.

All was well for a full ten minutes sitting in departures looking at the screens of cancelled and delayed flights and warnings of severe weather all over Scotland.
Our peace was shattered by the tannoy calling for passengers Griffen and Owen to go to airport security. 'Oh no' I thought 'They have decided they want my key after all'
We duly reported to the desk where Anne was asked if here bag was one of several waiting there, it was not, but guess who's was! Yep it was my suitcase.
Yep! They wanted to search it! So here we go again, this time I had to explain why I had a ball in my case. I know it's a bit odd but I had traveled up to Scotland with Ta-shi's ball in my pocket by mistake so I had put it in my case. They seemed a little amused by my story and I think they thought I had a dog hidden about me somewhere. In the meantime they undid everything in my bag, investigated my wash bag checked my hairdryer, how very embarrassing not only to have your smalls picked over by a burly security guy but also with a senior colleague looking on as well. Made a mental note to pack tidier next time!

I commented to Anne that I hoped that they now did not want to do a body search as they would have to play some music and play pass the parcel with me as I had so many layers on!

Eventually I was deemed safe to leave the airport and was allowed to board the plane, however as it was so windy crossing the tarmac I nearly flew home without it! Anne grabbed me as a gust of wind almost toppled me, I was not keen to travel in such weather but it was Ok once above the clouds.

I think Easy jet Pilots need to work on their landing techniques though as both times they slammed the plane down rather than landing.

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