Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Llama Adventure

So… the great day of our Wedding Anniversary arrived, thankfully sunny and bright. Weeks ago I had organised a surprise day out for BJ. He tried and tried to guess what it was but failed. I am sure he was more than a little worried, as to celebrate my 50th year I did a terrifying abseil down an absurdly high (170ft) building. However yesterday we kept our feet firmly on the ground, much to BJ’s relief, and mine truth to be told! And went Llama Trekking!!!

BJ’s face was a picture when he finally discovered what we were going to do, I had even found a card with a Llama on it to give as an anniversary card. Luckily he thought it very funny indeed and said that he would never in a hundred years of guessed that! So of we went to find our new best friends.

On arrival we met Mary the Llama Farmer, a delightful lady who did not mind my 150 questions about these beautiful gentle beasts, we also met Hughie the friendly football mad Jack Russell and his son, seven week old puppy Archie who was an absolute delight but his prized possession of the day was a very dead mouse which he kept proudly dropping at my feet in the hope I would play with it with him!

We eventually met our Llamas, after an introductory talk about the history of them and instruction on how to handle a Llama!

First out came Spinach the leader of the pack (yes, they are herd animals so have an established hierarchy) He was rather aloof and noble and was handed over to Amanda one of the other two people on the trek. Next out came Dassett an incredibly handsome chap with a hint of mischief about him. Mary asked if I would be happy to handle him, apparently he was going through the ‘teenage delinquent stage’ and was known for tantrums, he is also being trained to carry the saddlebags. Up for a challenge and already in love with the gorgeous brown eyes fringed with the cartoon length lashes I was there in a flash to claim what was to be ‘the naughtiest Llama of the bunch’. Barry had the sweetest cutest little chap called Sam who was so unbelievably well behaved, although he had delusions of being the leader and wanted to sometimes lead the pack for a few minutes until something startled him and he then would drop back for Spinach to lead again. Dylan went with Mark, Amanda’s Husband and off we went into the beautiful English countryside.

Lamas are gentle creatures but with an incredibly inquisitive nature, they are interested in anything and every thing, ears pricked and eyes darting around to take every detail of their surroundings and log them for future reference. I was instructed to be very firm with Dassett and let him know I was in charge, as he would otherwise take liberties. This I did and we got along famously, apart from when he forgot he had saddlebags on and bumped them on trees and gateposts! This spooked him every time and we had a little dance about until a few soothing words calmed him, we both got wise to trees, gates and saddlebags and gave obstacles a wide birth. I chatted to him and he in turn nuzzled my hair in reply from time to time. All was well in llama world!….

We stopped halfway round our 5mile walk for a drink and give our friends a chance to nibble some grass (Sam and Dassett, not Amanda and Mark of course). Mary decided to adjust Dassett saddlebags as they had become unbalanced after being knocked about on errant trees. The trouble was she inadvertently left a strap dangling! We set off again but Dassett was unsettled and skittish, I pointed out the dangling strap but Mary thought it was OK, so we carried on around a cornfield. Suddenly the strap tickled Dasset and he leapt several feet in the air and bolted, I let go of the rope and he galloped off into the corn, bucking and shaking to try and rid himself of the offending saddlebags. I was mortified and terrified he was going to hurt himself, but Mary was calm and told the others to keep calmly walking and ignore Dasset. Sam was distressed and whimpered but the others just strolled along. Dasset eventually calmed himself and came to Spinach in extreme submissive mode, head and neck dropped, tail over his back, he allowed me to walk calmly over and take hold of his rope. Mary tried to right His backpack, but this sent him into panic mode once more and he tried to bolt again. I tried, I really did to hold firm this time but a startled Sam crashed into me I lost my footing and my grip and off he went again! He came back again to say sorry to Spinach and this time he was calm as we sorted out his pack and tantrum over as quick as it began, calmly and sedately strode onwards home, me whispering calm endearments and him nuzzling my hair until we returned to the farm.
What and amazing adventure!

I want a Llama now!!!!


Devon said...

Wow! Some people just go out to dinner for their anniversary. Whats next? I'll stay posted to find out...

rach said...

Brilliant!! Sounds like you had a great time.

Happy Anniversary!

Hmm... and also another excuse to listen to the Llama Song. Love it!