Saturday, May 05, 2007

Come back Iamhatter!

I was reading back over my 98 previous blogs! Good gracious where do I find the time?
I wish Rob was still blogging it sort of kept us connected. Come back jamhatter, we miss you! Lets start a campaign to persuade the boy back to our world of blog!
Leave a 'Come back Rob' comment on my blog, he reads my blog from time to time. He is always an amusing and witty read so lets encourage the boy back to our fold!
And as you can see girls, he is easy on the eye, not that I'm biased of course!


Devon said...

I think it would be great to have Robin blogging again. I actually found your blog through his. So I must thank Robin for that. It did seem as though he had a lot on his plate though. I don't do nearly that much and I am a pretty infrequent blogger.

You, however, are very impressive! 98 posts! Wow, that is just great.

I think it is wonderful that simon bought a house and got a ghost in the deal! I had a ghost once, same house I live in today. To read about it, go back to my Halloween post.

My hubby, Tom, is building me a green house. I am so excited!! I remember you added a conservatory last year, but never posted a picture of it....would you please! I would love to see it!

rach said...

Yes! Come back Rob-blog! It seems his head is too easily turned by other internet pastimes (myspace... facebook...) but its a real shame because his blog was funny and entertaining.

iamahatter9 said...

Let me sleep on this campaign of 3 people urging my return. I must say to Rach that facebook is not really happening for me as not many old school friends on there to catch up with.