Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Boys!

Eldest son is on his travels, he flew to Hong King yesterday and will spend two week on his travels around China. He loves these trips but they do pose some probems at times. In a remote village last year where he went to inspect a factory that makes brooms, he was taken out for a meal by the owners. Trouble was he did not know if he was in a restaurant or a pet shop! He always say's he is a vegetarian when travelling in China to save himself from inadvertantly eating some-thing he would consider a family member in this Country!
This particular factory failed its inspection last year for many reasons, so they have built a new one! Important contracts these!
Although I am unlikely to see him more often than once a month, I always miss him when he is away. How daft is that.

Youngest Son is unlikely to be seen until Christmas, as he is entering the really busy season at the concert venue where he works . I am sure he will be having a great time mixing with celebs and the Hoi Polloi, but he will be exhausted by Christmas as the hours are very unsocial. He has the added work of starting a degree as well, which he is really looking forward to, but knows it will be tough fitting all the demands it brings in with his work schedule. Well done that boy for taking that on! I am the proud Mum!

I am doing a fair bit on travelling myself over the next few weeks as well, down to Somerset for a few days to train a new Franchisee and her staff, and loads of audit visits to do before Christmas as well, not to mention a Baby Show at Olympia and the Manchester road show during half term week. I have been told I have 12 days holiday to take before New Year as well, just where I am going to fit that in I don't know.


Devon said...

Hum, maybe you could tack on a day or two of holiday at the beginning or end of each of your business trips?
You must be so proud of your boys! They seem to have a lot of enthusiasm...good for them! I asked an older friend when we stop worring about our babies. The answer you probably know... never.
I really want to hear the nicker story! You sound like a lot of fun at a party!
I am getting my passport, my best friend is an international flight attendant. She just returned from a three day trip to London and was going to take me but I keep forgetting to get my passport! She did bring back some really good English Tea! I've gone with her to Hawaii 3 times! We have so much fun! Take care,

young at heart said...

You must come over, I make a great tour guide! My Mother is eighty she still worries over her 51 year old kid! When she comes to stay I am usually told off for washing my hair to often or going out without it properly dry and rushing around to much!