Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Rest and relaxation?

Its been quite a happening week in the Mama blog household, lot's going on personally and professionally. BJ has finished one job and has a week off before stating the new one. Aha! He thought a week of R & R! Aha! I thought jobs to be done! So... The poor devil has been gigging up the whole of the front garden and is re- designing it. On the computer design it looked an easy job. Get rid of the grass and the awful slabs up to the front door, lay a stone circular patio, a new pathway and make a rose garden of the surrounding area. Needless to say the poor boy has a sore back,and ended up hiring a turf cutter as the lawn seemed to be welded in place by some supernatural force. B&Q who delivered the patio on a pallet, had not got one of those pallet mover jobby's on board so each slab had to be lifted off the lorry and placed on a separate pallet in the garage. The tool hire company insisted out address did not exist as it was not 'on his map' oh the incompetence of them all.

The patio is half done and is looking brilliant. All the neighbor's are bemoaning the loss of my colourful spring display though. They all love my front garden, but I say wait awhile you ain't seen nothing yet!

At long last I am to get a conservatory! We have had a few quotes and have found a company that will do what we want for the price of a small family car! Not the cheapest, not the dearest somewhere in between.

I went riding yesterday for the first time since my fall. I was very nervous as I drove into the yard, and even more so when I realized I had a new girl tutoring me, kind of got used to Amy. However Paula was a top girl and put me and Hector through our paces very efficiently. I rode the best I have ever done and regained my confidence.
I am re-learning my whole way of riding and undoing many bad habits and at last it is coming together. I got a really good canter going right around the school, got my legs, hands, and body all working in unison which is a first. I can usually get the legs and body working well but not get the steering going very well. This time I managed to make him go right into the corners and not take short cuts. Oh, and they have a new week old baby foal, Jacinta and baby doing well.

I bought on impulse a CD this week, Bruce Springstein's 'The Seeger Years' It is great houlie music and very joyful, just listen to a few tracks and you will be singing along. I love that kind odd gravelly, whisky, wine and fine young women kind of voice! Barry was well impressed as the last folk concert he went to was with Peggy Seeger and Euan Mc Coll, both notable singers of that time. Although the music on the CD is Pete Seeger.

Another big buy for me was a Sat Nav system, I have to drive into London probably once a week from now until August and am very worried about getting lost. So I treated myself to some very serious technology, my first foray with it tried to take me to Bromsgrove road in Stourbridge instead of Halesowen but I daresay I will get used to it. It got me home again which of course I know the way but it was just a practice.


iamahatter9 said...

I read a story of a sat nav directing people of the edge of a cliff in Yorkshire.

young at heart said...

Don't worry, if I see a cliff I will stop!