Thursday, September 29, 2005

Danger in our Midst!

OK, is it me or is their an increasing danger that has crept up on us unseen? A new dangerous group of people that need to be kept under control. Chuck 'em into clink at the first sign of descent seems to be the Governments rule. 'Great' you may think 'at last law and order is prevailing'. No , I am not talking about itinerant youths in hoods that mug old ladies and steal your hard worked for cars and possessions. I am referring to the old ladies themselves!!!

They have become so dangerous that they have started with-holding part of their Council charge in order to protest at the grossly unfair system. Oh dear me, we can't have that 'send them down' I hear you cry.
These so called 'criminals' have worked long and hard, brought up families and have earned the right to own and live in a nice little house or bungalow in a probably upmarket area. They now have to suffer virtual poverty in order to pay grossly inflated Council charge. My Husband and I (no, I am not the Queen) know full well that come retirement we will have to move from our detached but modest abode as we will not be able to pay the Tax, it is more per month than our mortgage!

Now we have an elderly Gentleman, and by God he looked every-inch a Gent compared to the thug who throw him out of the Labour Conference for daring in democratic England to exercise free speech.
This guy escaped the holocaust and was brought here at great risk I am sure by his family for a better life where the Jewish could live with the respect due to different cultures in our diverse Country. He tried to join our Army to fight Hitler unfortunately he had a medical condition that prevented it. He should be a much respected and valued citizen!
I truly could not believe my eyes, when did Britain change into a dictatorship, was I asleep when it happened?
Sorry am I missing something, when did happen that Law and Order in this Country means we treat our elder Generation so disgracefully.
When did become against the law to heckle the Government of the day. Look what happens if you heckle pompous Mr Prescott, you get a punch in the nose!
My goodness it's a national sport amongst MP's when parliament is sitting. It seems we have a do as I say, not as I do mentality going on.

Why can our elderly not walk the streets after dark (or even in daylight) without the fear of a crime being effected against them. Yet we have young criminals who appear time after time in court without being detained at her Majesty's pleasure. They steal for drugs, rob your house, please don't bash them while they are doing it or low and behold you will be apprehended and dealt with very severely. The scallywag who perpretated the crime will no doubt be smirking all the way to Barbados where the court will have sent him to improve his mind and buy some more weed, or whatever the modern name for it is these day's.

I have no respect for The Labour Party, please Conservative's try and find some-one among you to really lead the Party and the Country. We need some-one to be The Life and Soul of the Party!

Rant Over! Kind off know where Rob gets it from don't you :-)

1 comment:

iamahatter9 said...

Well said, and yes you are your son's mother when it comes to rants.

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