Friday, December 08, 2006

Tagged myself!

Rach had been tagged, it looked fun so I did it too! You are supposed to answer questions in one word, very hard, I know I used two for Ginger Beer but I love it and its called 'lashings' in my house (as in famous five books, lashings of ginger beer!)but no-one would know what it was! Cheated on no.22 as well!

1. Yourself: Daft
2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend: BJ
3. Your hair?: Neat
4. Your mother?: Elderly
5. Your Father?: Funny
6. Your Favorite Item: Hairdryer
7. Your dream last night: Wierd
8. Your Favorite drink: Ginger Beer
9. Your Dream Car: Golf
10. The Room You Are In: Lounge
12. Your fear: Flying
13. What you want to be in 10 years: Grandma
14. Who you hung out with last night?: BJ
15. What You're Not?: Pretentious
16. Muffins: Rasberry
17: One of Your Wish List Items: Dishwasher
18: Time: 9
19. The Last Thing You Did: Chatted
20. What You Are Wearing: Jeans
21. Your Favorite Weather: Italian
22. Your Favorite Book: TheLionthewitchandthewardrobe
23. The Last Thing You Ate: Yoghurt
24. Your Life: Busy
25. Your Mood: Happy
26. Your body: Healthy
27. Who are you thinking about right now? Robin
29. What are you doing at the moment?: thinking
30. Your summer: Good
31. Best part of your life: Family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope number 27 and 13 answers have no link!!! Oooh what presure to be under!!