Saturday, August 26, 2006

My Boy!

My boy is not happy, he has spent the week sulking! Can't play, won't play!

All because we got new sofa's! He now has not got the best seat in the house, no chair by the window in order for our little gaurd dog to sit and watch for friends and foe passing. The friends being 'The girls' nextdoor who come to play with him and take him for walks and feed him titbits. The foe being a gorgeous Golden Retreiver who DARES pass our house on his daily walk!

To add insult to injury he is not allowed to stay in the lounge while we are out and has been made to spend time in the 'servants quarters' not befitting his status. He does indeed have the run of the kitchen and consevatory with a fluffy comfy bed, a basket of toys and a few dog biscuits. He has rewaerded us by chewing the door and leaving an unmentionable mess on the floor. He has also discovered the joys of the rubbish bin and all its contents! It is now known as TA-shi's Lunch box!

It seems that he has won all his protests and has now been given his own blanket on a corner of the sofa. Proving dogs are as manipluative as children.

1 comment:

Devon said...

Your TA-shi is so sweet. She looks like the kind of dog who could easily run a household. I wonder how long it will be before she is allowed on the new sofas?
You must have your broadband now...I have tried to post pictures but can't seem to get the file I store my pictures in to transfer to the blogger file.

I was sorry to hear of your car accident but glad you are o.k. very frightening. Have a good day!