Friday, October 26, 2007

Confirmed, I am not naturally violent, but I am clumsy!

This week in the office we took delivery of some new sample balls to use in classes. They are really great, very tactile and can be inflated to different levels making them suitable for the very young children with small grasp and also for the Gymbob’s who are the 5-7 year old age group and can certainly give a ball some punishment.

We had to test that they soft enough not to hurt if they hit you in the face. My boss handed me one and asked me to throw it directly at her face…. What an invitation! Throw a ball to score a direct hit on the company’s technical director face.
I could not do it! I tried, with much encouragement but I just could not purposely throw something to actually try and hurt some one. In the end she had to throw it at me. She had no problem. Probably why she is a director and I am her assistant.

I fell off my office chair this week, confirming the view that I am a clumsy ass! I had gone to work in my smart skirt and low heels, but needed to load my gym equipment in my car. I changed into trainers for the job in hand but had sat to far forward on my chair, I felt myself slipping and tried to hoist myself back onto the chair. The chair had other ideas and shot backwards depositing me firmly on the floor in an undignified position. I did the jump up quick thing hoping no one had noticed, but of course every-one did. Still it was at least the third unlucky thing out the way. I had managed to break a windscreen (or at least a speeding police car did) on the company car with a stone that was flung up. I then was taking the same car to the windscreen mending man and managed to back it into a parked car. My only defence was trauma and tiredness, tired as I had been out on the road for days. Trauma, Simon was having last minute hassles trying to complete on buying his first house, dodgy solicitor! If one of your children hurt then you hurt even if they are men and run departments and boss lots of people around at work.

1 comment:

Devon said...

You forgot to mention in your list of traumas the ball to the face by your latently violent boss!

If I spent any amount of time with you, I would probably end up peeing myself!

I understand the son in pain. This week I spent an hour in the middle of the night cleaning up my sons vomit, I was going as fast as I could because the smell was upsetting him! Sorry for the disgusting example. Just goes to show how weird we get when our babys suffer.